Thursday, November 14, 2013

Failed Experiment

Figure 1. This is just five of the twenty randomly used for observation and statistical analysis of the CFU. The rate of this group is fair.

Figure 2. The red obscure circular shaped colony in the top middle row is very interesting. The small white of a guess would be S. epidermis and the yellow medium sized circular would be S. aureus. The rate would be poor.

Figure 3. I would say the rate for this group would be fair.

Figure 4. 

Figure 5. I would rate this group as very poor. There is a rigid circular shaped colony in the bottom row of the left plate.

Figure 6. I would rate this group as poor.

The plants that I seeded with Sonora wheat and Anasazi beans died because there was no watering due to my absence of the lab. Although I infected three Anasazi beans with the possibly A. tumefaciens, I wasn’t able to get any results because of my poor responsibilities in the lab. On the other hand, my first project with the fomites is going somewhat okay. I have sampled more than 8 locations around campus, and each location had about 20 plates used for each site. If my calculations are correct, I used about hundred and eighty plates, and trashed about a sleeve of incorrect plates when pouring. The figures above show some of the randomly obtained samples from each site that was going to be analyzed using Photoshop software. Furthermore, I would rate the group as poor, fair, or acceptable for either necessary action or non-necessary action to be handled in the caption.

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