Thursday, March 7, 2013

No Pictures Please

Figure1. I look so tired in this picture, and it was posted on the website. Here's a link to view other peoples picture on the website. I think I saw Jose's Pic

                                     Click Here for Other Pictures

           I finished my poster last Friday on the first day of March, and started it the day before on Thursday. The second day working on my poster was for modifications and changing of the format style. Although I didn’t get the nice glossy thick paper like the other students poster, I had my poster printed out in Student Union on regular paper. The reason for my low grade paper texture was my failure to turn my rough draft on time for peer review. On the other hand, it was free of charge thanks to an office coordinator of the Student Life and Leadership.
Prior to attending the conference for my poster presentation, I had been nervous the whole month the application had been submitted online. When I got there, it was simple. I thought, for example, that I would present on stage with my poster followed by a speech. I admit that I learned a lot from this experience before and after the ASU student research conference of More Graduate Education at Mountain States Alliance (MGE@MSA). The first lesson learned is always be prepared for the unexpected and identify the highest priority. I should have been more organized in prioritizing my assignments on my agenda. Second, never use obstacles in life as an excuse for failure. The realization is that I do have a family, school, and internship, but my determination can exceed further and I can work harder. Thirdly, I should have not judge the event without having prior conference experience. This student research conference was, for instance, my first experience. Overall, the atmosphere of determined, intelligent, and science related college students of undergraduates and doctorate’s was interesting. I glanced at a few posters, and had a judge give advice on some helpful tips on my continued research. Moreover, they had pretty decent lunches during the lunch hour and breakfast. I really enjoyed the humorous ASU instructor remarks about “Why it’s important to pursue higher education?” I liked his story about how he grew up in a bad part of New York, and now he has a family to support that he couldn’t have dreamed about due, in part, to his father’s pushing mentor ways. The most hardest thing I found hard at the conference was the post registration of obtaining the Certificate of Participation.
Figure 2. This picture shows similar details of the long lines and post registration of last years conference.
I have a question for my fellow colleagues of the STEM Scholar program. Have you taken that psychological test online that one of the speakers had on the Power Point of your true intentions in academic school work? Basically, if your smart or do you act like it?

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