Friday, October 4, 2013

Exciting, But Exhausting This Week

I sampled this week the school text books at the bookstore and library of the campus. The used rental books at the bookstore of Phoenix College were sampled on the cover. The picture below shows the titles of each book sampled below.
Figure 1. The numbers on the left side of the picture correspond with the plate sample. Some books were sampled twice on the covers.

Used Rental Books at Bookstore

Plate # # CFU Plate # # CFU Plate # # CFU Plate # # CFU
1 21 6 10 11 TNTC 16 35
2 4 7 10 12 32 17 TNTC
3 19 8 30 13 6 18 20
4 2 9 15 14 41 19 28
5 11 10 51 15 43 20 41

Figure 2. The books shown above are the reference books used throughout the school year if the student doesn't have enough money for the books in the campus bookstore or elsewhere. They can be checked out for 2 hours maximum if there isn't anyone else waiting for the book.

Reserved Books at Campus Library

Plate # # CFU Plate # # CFU Plate # # CFU Plate # # CFU
1 5 6 15 11 10 16 9
2 5 7 8 12 1 17 86
3 15 8 42 13 3 18 26
4 2 9 27 14 0 19 15
5 4 10 7 15 18 20 20

The reserved books behind the counter of the campus library were, also, sampled. The picture above show the books used in this experiment.

Although I haven’t had much time in the lab this week, I was pondering if it is possible to insert pGLO into plants for an illumination. Basically, a plant that glows as it grows. For example, there are enzymes that will break open an E.coli cell and combine the pGLO DNA into the ring DNA of the cell for reproduction of glowing bacteria colonies. The process of transferring exogenous DNA information and up taking it into another cell membrane is called Transformation in molecular biology. The video above shows how to conduct animal DNA transformation. The second video below shows how the start of this project might begin with the first steps. Maybe?
for more information go to Click this link

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