Friday, September 6, 2013

Late Start

I started my hours for the internship this week on Friday. On the other hand, I decided to continue my project with an easier step of obtaining samples. I will prepare my own agar for pouring into contact plates which will eliminate the hassle of the “swabbing method.” The contact plates are miniature plates with a molded grid on the bottom of this bulb like surface. I plan to prepare and pour the agar after the thirty minute water bath from the autoclave. Figure 1 below shows three empty contact plates and the Pipet used during the filling of these plates. 
Figure 1. The bottom isn't flat like other plates, but it has like a bulb like surface. The Pipet is used for multiple dispensing of efficient volume because the maximum volume is 17 ml.
Figure 2. The agar is slightly above the rim of the plate for making contact with surfaces of objects.
Figure 2 shows the finished product of an elevated agar to make direct contact with surfaces around campus. I was going to use the dispenser machine, but the mentors noted that the dispenser is outdated. I look forward to next week. I, also, took a picture of the dispensing machine below in Figure 3.
Figure 3. I always saw this machine but never new what it did until today.

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